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件名: Tomorrow's sentencing

Dear friends,

Tomorrow, July 1, Ezra will be sentenced according to his conviction of assaulting a police officer and participating in a riot. The sentencing will take place at 15.00 at the Peace Court of Jerusalem by judge Eilata Ziskind. Those who wish to show their support are very welcome.

Ezra has written a letter that was placed on The Nation yesterday:

As mentioned in his letter, the international pressure did not fall on deaf ears, as the Israeli Ministry of Justice and other governmental bodies have responded to our letters with confused and irrelevant statements such as "Mr. Nawi provokes the local residents. [ie. Jewish Settlers]" or "...Mr. Nawi who has often uses insults..."; the official response can be found here: http://www.supportezra.net/JusticeMinistry.pdf

We still demand the complete exculpation of Ezra, and the investigation of his continual harassment by the Israeli police, Israeli army and the civil administration.

Please post and forward his letter to your friends; as Ezra says "What strengthens me and gives me energy is the widespread and constant support I have always received."

Thank you,

The Committee Supporting Ezra Nawi