
ひびのまことの公式サイト→ https://barairo.net/




 わたしも、2002年にパレスチナに行きました。非暴力直接行動をうたう「国際連帯運動(International Solidarity Movement/ISM)に参加し、イスラエル軍の侵攻下のバラタ難民キャンプに行き、イスラエル軍に逮捕されました。またイスラエル滞在中にテルアビブで開催されたプライドパレードにも参加しました。

現にここにある矛盾を顕在化させ イスラエルを自分の位置から批判するために
(「バイセクシュアル」の主張と、パレスチナの国際連帯運動(ISM)の非暴力直接行動への参加、イスラエルで「No Pride in the Occupation」と掲げる反占領の立場のQueerグループのこと、セクシュアリティーの話と反戦運動について、総合的にまとめて書いた文章です)


※BDS:Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions(ボイコット、資本の引き揚げ、そして制裁措置)








世界各国で広がるイスラエル船舶の荷役拒否と BDS 運動(1)/ガザ自由船団ニュース


イスラエルに対するボイコットと資本の引き揚げ、そして制裁措置を求めるキャンペーンの成功のために── 南アフリカの経験



バンクーバー・クィア映画祭が「ピンクウォッシング広告」を掲載したため、Sins Invalidは、自身の映画『罪なき罪ークィアと身体障害』を映画祭から引きあげる



「フツーのLGBTをクィアする」経緯 (2015年4月まで)

翻訳:G. ヒレル「パレスチナのクィアがうんざりしている質問8つ」 (2013)

Outside the Frame映画祭(英語・サンフランシスコ・ピンクウォッシングに反対する映画祭)

映画『Pinkwashing Exposed: Seattle Fights Back』(英語)





2009年1月の映画祭会期中にあったガザ空爆に抗議するために、関西クィア映画祭の会場にひびのが掲示した『No Pride In The Occupation』のポスターに対して、で寄せられた意見と回答






▼『Citizen Nawi』(2007年の映画)

『City of Borders/分断の街で』2009年東京国際L&G映画祭で上映
KQFFでも試写したが、同年は『Citizen Nawi』を選択したため上映しなかった。私は、分かりやすい構図として描かれていたのが物足りなくて『Citizen Nawi』を推した(が、結局上映できなかった)。『0メートルの隔たり』に出てくるビアンカップルが、これにも出ている。




An Interview with A Queer Palestinian (The Inner Circle)

Haneen Maikey: Proud, Palestinian, Queer
al-QawsのディレクターHaneen Maikeyがトロントに来た際に、クィアパレスチナ人としてしたスピーチ。

5 PQBDS PSA “This is Violence Against Women"
イスラエルの軍事的占領は女性への暴力である、というPalestinian Queers for BDSが作ったビデオ。

▼Ghannai3anTa3rif(singing sexuality)のシリーズ

Trans/National (Janani Balasubramanian)

Liberation in Palestine, A Queer Issue - Haneen Maikey




PACBI Guidelines for the International Cultural Boycott of Israel (Revised July 2014)

○BDS運動は、個人をその (市民権や人種、性別、宗教といった) アイデンティティーやその人の意見によってボイコットすることを道徳的見地から受け入れない。//よって、単にイスラエル人の文化的な活動に携わる者がイスラエルの文化的機関に所属しているという点のみでは、当ボイコットの対象となる理由にはならない。// しかしながら、もしある個人がイスラエル国家やイスラエルと共犯関係にある機関を代表する場合、あるいはイスラエルの「イメージ刷新」戦略に関与するための任務を請け負っていたり、そうした活動の勧誘を受けたりしている場合には、その個人もBDS運動が呼びかけるこの制度的ボイコットの対象となる。

○(a)こうしたイベントやプロジェクトの多くは、不確かで、グレイゾーンにあり、評価をするのが難しい。(b) 重要なことは、ボイコットは共犯的な機関に対するものに限らず、そうした機関に備わっている有機的なつながりに対してのものでもある。そうしたつながりというのは植民地主義的な統治とアパルトヘイトを再生産するものである。(c)戦略的には、すべてのボイコット可能なプロジェクトが、積極的なボイコットのキャンペーンの対象とならなければならないわけではない。アクティビストたちは、彼女ら/彼らのエネルギーをその都度最も優先すべきキャンペーンに注ぐ必要がある。



「BDS & Frameline」:「有色クィア女性のメディアアートプロジェクト」が声明を発表

Queer Women of Color―有色女性のクィアたち


Dear QWOCMAP Commnunity,

Earlier this Spring, QWOCMAP sent the following letter to Frameline:

After a meeting of the QWOCMAP Board of Directors, we made the difficult decision to not participate in the Frameline San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival or curate a QWOCMAP Screening Program for the 2015 Festival.

We appreciate the decade-long partnership we had with Frameline, which opened up additional opportunities for QWOCMAP Filmmakers to screen their films. The decision to step out of our partnership was not taken lightly. QWOCMAP engaged in considerable thought and discussion on this issue. We believe it is important to give Frameline the opportunity to address the community concerns about the receipt of funding from the Israeli government and related organizations.

We would also like to support Frameline as it increases its openness to community concerns, and encourage the organization to engage in candid public discussion about the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The international urgency of the movement, and the call for an academic and cultural boycott, are important to the future of social justice and the larger LGBTQ movement, of which both our organizations are an important part.

We do hope to partner with Frameline again in the future and we wish to keep the channels of communication open. We are happy to be a resource during what we see as a time of growth and strengthening of both of our missions to better serve LGBTQ communities. QWOCMAP serves an intensely marginalized community that stands at multiple intersections, and we believe that building partnerships and aligning ourselves with other movements is essential to our mission.

We would like to make ourselves available to continue to foster honest and compassionate conversations with Frameline and lend our experience and expertise about how we, QWOCMAP, work to represent and open space for the voices of our diverse and multi-faceted queer women of color, gender nonconforming and transgender people of color community, as well as our families, friends and allies/co-conspirators-in-equity-and-justice. We believe that it is only through sincere dialogue and understanding can we truly be inclusive of the communities we want to serve.


QWOCMAP does not make any decision hastily. We take the time to engage in learning and discussion, and consider the impact and consequences of our actions and our work in the community.

In 2005, a few community members approached to tell us that our queer Latina screenings should focus on immigration. QWOCMAP believed that any exploration of the forces behind immigration and migration in the U.S. should include a multi-racial, transnational discussion that acknowledged Native American/Indigenous/First Nations sovereignty. Which is exactly what we did with our “Multiple Borders” Festival Focus of our 2009 Queer Women of Color Film Festival.

Therefore, when Palestinian civil society issued the original campaign for Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) and the call for an academic and cultural boycott of Israel in 2005, the questions for QWOCMAP became:

How can we respond as an organization?
How can we strengthen our practices to meet our mission?
How can we address this injustice in a way that is distinctly QWOCMAP?

With this in mind, we fine-tuned our fundraising policies to ensure that we did not inadvertently accept in-kind donations of goods from Israeli companies or funding from its government. This meant that we stopped soliciting donations from companies like Starbucks, and sought out new information and then focused our fundraising efforts on local businesses and restaurants. This was a difficult choice to make because QWOCMAP is a small organization that provides free programs to our community without any corporate funding, but we were happy to take on the challenge.

Our support of the BDS movement also meant taking individual actions, and stepping up QWOCMAP’s work to amplify the voices of the Southwest Asian, North African/Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim & South Asian (SWANA/AMEMSA) community. We developed intentional and transnational partnerships with organizations to create an environment of welcome and inclusion, in order to combat the racism and Islamophobia that fuels further oppression of the Palestinian people.

In 2009, we began years of fundraising to support a filmmaking workshop “Bridge To Truth: Queer SWANA/AMEMSA communities,” which took place in 2012. This culminated in a Featured Screening at our Queer Women of Color Film Festival in 2013, which highlighted a panel discussion with filmmakers that bridged LGBTQ rights, spiritual acceptance, liberation struggles and social justice movements. We deliberately declined films that we felt were apologists for Israel’s human rights violations and focused our curatorial efforts on the diversity of the SWANA/AMEMSA community.

In 2010, we decided that “Justice Heals” would be the Festival Focus of our Queer Women of Color Film Festival in 2015, knowing that we could facilitate a dialogue that would explore policing, militarization and foreign policy from the perspective of filmmakers. This year, our Community Conversation “Film & the Nation-State,” explored these issues from Cincinnati, Ferguson and Baltimore to Guatemala and Latin America, to Syria and Palestine in ways that opened possibilities for reciprocal solidarity. It pushed us to become more than allies, to make ourselves accomplices and co-conspirators for justice.

In 2012, only weeks before our 8th annual Queer Women of Color Film Festival, QWOCMAP responded to news that “Israel in the Garden” festival was taking place next to our screening venue by issuing a statement on safety and implementing policies to ensure that our communities remained safe and free of surveillance.

Also in 2012, we began fundraising to support a filmmaking workshop for LGBTQ Muslims of color, which will be “inclusive of all Muslims including those that identify with Islam politically, culturally, religiously, ideologically and/or spiritually.” This workshop will take place in Fall 2015.

BDS & Frameline

When QWOCMAP first partnered with Frameline in 2004, they had accepted funding from the Israeli Consulate off and on over the years. In 2010, that funding became more consistent. At the time, we thought that it was important to maintain a relationship with Frameline, as it allowed us to give opportunities to QWOCMAP Filmmakers, and it gave us the chance to engage in discussions about the BDS movement and the queer boycott of Frameline with many different communities. We were happy to have broad compassionate conversations about social justice that explored the complexities involved, which included acknowledgement of the Holocaust in Europe, the West/Global North deliberately positioning the formation of the nation-state of Israel as a wedge in the Middle East region to support their own foreign policies, and Israel’s former triangle with Apartheid-era South Africa and the U.S. government as an occupying force. Further, these conversations acknowledged the Israeli government’s treatment, abuse, and violation of the human rights of Palestinians, of Muslims and Christians, of Arab people, of Ethiopian and other Jews of African descent, of Southeast Asian migrants, of refugees from Africa, of anti-Zionist Jewish people and of LGBTQ people.

Ultimately, our support of the BDS movement led us to our decision to step out of our partnership with Frameline. We will continue to engage in discussion with them and allow them to respond to community concerns around the ways in which the Israeli government uses its ostensible support of the LGBTQ community to cover up its violations of the human rights of Palestinians and many others.

In order to meet our mission, QWOCMAP relies on listening to the concerns of our community, thorough learning and planning, and being intentional in all of our practices. We believe that by facilitating and broadening discussions about the roots and impacts of oppression, we can all learn about histories, struggles, and connections between social justice movements transnationally.

QWOCMAP strongly believes in the possibilities of political education, and we want our community to have every opportunity to build solidarity as we learn, love and live together while fighting for our collective liberation and justice.

In love and light,


 先月の6/19(金)から、サンフランシスコ(SF)で、「パレスチナのためのクィア映画祭」である「Outside the Frame」が開かれました。これは、同時期にSFで開催されたLGBT映画祭Framelineイスラエル政府との関係をやめないことに抗議して開催されたものです(確かFrameline映画祭は、米国もしくは世界で初めて開催されたLGBT映画祭のハズです。)。以下はその紹介のウェブページを邦訳したものです。ピンクウォッシングを考える参考までに、紹介です。



 クィア・コミュニティーの一員として、私たちは、イスラエルアパルトヘイトとの共犯関係にあるFramelineに挑戦する映画祭「Outside the Frame」を開きます。この映画祭は、イスラエル政府とのパートナー関係をFramelineが続けているために、Framelineから映画を引き上げた、もしくは上映申し込みをしなかった映画製作者の作品を上映します。映画祭は、帝国主義に反対する闘いの中におけるLGBTQIの映像文化の役割を信じ、また寄与している他の人々からの作品も含む予定です。

 Outside the Frameでは、最先端の映画や、ライブパフォーマンスを上演します。それは、正義のための広い国際運動の文脈の中に、ゲイ/レズビアンの課題を位置づけるでしょう。映画祭では、映画製作者とパフォーマンスアーティストとが一緒に、パレスチナにおけるイスラエルの政策に反対し、イスラエル大使館による寄付金を通じたFrameline映画祭のピンクウォッシング抵抗します。






 イスラエルアパルトヘイトに対する闘いは、ここ米国においても、人種的正義のための広い闘いの一部です。私たちは米国の活動家として、米国政府による資金援助と政治的軍事的な支援によってイスラエルが行動していることを認識しており、それは完全に、イスラエル戦争犯罪の共犯です。私たちは皆、解放と平和な世界のための闘いである国際的なBDS運動(ボイコット・資本引き上げ・制裁)に参加しています。「Outside the Frame」は、私たちにとって、クィア解放の文化を創造し探求する場です。参加してください。


